Bandwidth Management Software

16 PC software downloads

Fernando Ortega

“A list of software titles which can manage Internet bandwidth”

A listing of downloads compiled by Fernando Ortega

With the increase of bitcaps and general restrictions imposed by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) across the world, it has become necessary to limit bandwidth usage. Though it is possible with some routers to achieve this, most people do not have access to router-based bandwidth managers.

These software programs are able to help you manage your bandwidth. They can be used to measure how much data has been transferred by your PC over a specified period of time (like a month or billing period).

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  • NetWorx 7.2.2

    NetWorx Icon

    A suite of free network tools including bandwidth monitoring and traceroute.
    Networx is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • NetLimiter

    NetLimiter Icon

    Internet traffic control and management software.
    NetLimiter is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • GlassWire 3.4.768

    GlassWire Icon

    Bandwidth monitoring software that detects unusual activity and integrates a firewall to prevent network access to any application.
    GlassWire can snif network traffic and manage Internet bandwidth.

  • SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager 3.2.11

    SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager Icon

    A traffic managment solution offers cost-effective bandwidth control and QoS.
    SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • Bandwidth Manager 3.2.11

    Bandwidth Manager Icon

    Software for monitoring traffic on a network including Internet traffic.
    Traffic Calculator is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • Internet Traffic Agent 2.9

    Internet Traffic Agent Icon

    An efficient and handy network tool for accurate internet traffic monitoring.
    Internet Traffic Agent is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • X-NetStat Professional 5.63

    X-NetStat Professional Icon

    Suite of network tools for monitoring and taking action on network connections, whois lookups, banning IP addresses and updating firewall rules.
    X-NetStat Professional is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • Bandwidth Management and Firewall 3.5.1

    Bandwidth Management and Firewall Icon

    Reserving and limiting bandwidth, firewall, 350Mbit and higher data flows.
    Bandwidth Management and Firewall is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • Vidalia Bundle

    Vidalia Bundle Icon

    User interface front-end for using Tor software with the option to view bandwidth usage, network maps, graphs, replaced by the Tor Browser Bundle.
    Vidalia Bundle can manage Internet bandwidth, hide your true IP address and circumvent state censorship.

  • Net Meter

    Net Meter Icon

    Monitors network connections traffic and displays real-time details.
    Net Meter is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • Bitmeter II 3.6.0

    Bitmeter II Icon

    Graphical Bandwidth Meter with many features.
    Bitmeter II is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • ISP Monitor 5.7.5

    ISP Monitor Icon

    Software that tracks how much bandwidth you really use.
    ISP Monitor is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • Network Traffic Monitor Analysis Report 7.1

    Network Traffic Monitor Analysis Report Icon

    Network traffic monitor, usage & performance analysis and reporting.
    Network Traffic Monitor Analysis Report is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • Traffic Shaper XP 1.20

    Traffic Shaper XP Icon

    Bandwidth management freeware for Windows 2000 and XP.
    Traffic Shaper XP is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • CommTraffic 3.1

    CommTraffic Icon

    A program for collecting, processing, and displaying traffic statistics.
    CommTraffic is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.

  • JDSoft Bandwidth Manager 1.0

    JDSoft Bandwidth Manager Icon

    Bandwidth and traffic management software that can monitor network activity and control it by applying filters.
    JDSoft Bandwidth Manager is software which can manage Internet bandwidth.