… or overclocked. ASUS RealBench benchmark test can judge the real performance of your system allowing you to compare a new build to an old one or the stock speed an overclocked one. Although it can be competitive, ASUS RealBench is not primarily designed … Read more
run on any computer with at least 4GB RAM, note that the application is designed by Asus, so users of Asus motherboards only will be able to upload their results to the Asus servers and compare them to the results of other users. Test your CPU, your memory More about Asus RealBench
Utility that enables customized lighting control on ASUS systems while also supporting Philips Hue lights.
Information about the main components of your ROG system.
Advanced benchmarking utility based on Linpack that tests the potential and power of CPUs by Intel and AMD.
Critical update management tool from ASUS for keeping drivers, utilities, tools and other system applications updated.
Utility to compare CPU and graphics performance on PCs.
A complete tool for controlling the fans installed on ASUS desktop and laptop PCs with voltage, temperature and fan speed information.
Update and manage updates to the BIOS of ASUS motherboards including bug fixes and security updates.
An intensive Windows-based OpenGL diagnostics tool.
Intuitive hardware and system optimization software that can overclock, activate gaming mode, record games with XSplit and monitor hardware stability.
Measures the performance of install solid state drives (SSD)
Small program to update a system's BIOS and update functionality.
Straightforward way to perform a stress test on a CPU with single- and multi-core scores and testing of floating point, memory and integer.
Overclock and tweak graphics, GPU, fan and memory.
Leverage fast charging support from ASUS motherboards.