Countdown timer

(19 program downloads found)
  • Free Countdown Timer 4.0.1
    Free Countdown Timer Icon

    … simple and free countdown timer with alarm clock. It's sometimes very difficult to find the simplest of programs without having to spend hours looking for such a program wading through malware and other horrible things. Free Countdown Timer is a totally …

    countdown timer that enables you to view how much time you have left until an important event, and set up alarms with custom sounds Free Countdown Timer is a lightweight software application built specifically for helping you use a countdown timer for More about Free Countdown Timer
  • Egg 1.9
    Egg Icon

    A countdown timer for Windows. . Looking for a program to measure how much time you spend on jobs, time chess games, or to prevent you freezing soft-drink cans? Egg is an easy to use timer that can do these tasks and more! It can count up and …

    able to measure how much time you spend doing different activities. It comes packed with sound notifications and a countdown timer which can be moved to any area of the desktop. The program boasts a clean and intuitive interface that allows users to count More about Egg
  • OnlyStopWatch 6.46
    OnlyStopWatch Icon

    … precision. Optimize your processes. * User-defined stopwatch * User defined countdown * Reset: Reset the stopwatch or countdown * Pause: Pause (break) the stopwatch or countdown * Millisecond stop watch * Full screen

    predefined keyboard shortcuts which you can use to control the timer, you can also stop or start the timer with a click of the mouse. It can be used as either a stopwatch or a countdown timer, but it gives no notification or alarm once it has reached your More about OnlyStopWatch
  • Tea Timer
    Tea Timer Icon

    … and portable timer application. Tea Timer is a small program which really only has one function: to work as a countdown timer. As the title of this app may suggest, it can be used for counting down the time for steeping your tea. Tea Timer is a very basic …

  • Keyboard and Mouse Cleaner 1.0
    Keyboard and Mouse Cleaner Icon

    … can be easily adjusted. With just a single click, you can activate the blocking process, and the application displays a countdown timer to indicate the remaining time. The program allows you to specify a custom time interval in seconds, and the …

  • Auto Lock 1.5.0
    Auto Lock Icon

    Lightweight utility that can lock the Windows desktop automatically or perform a shutdown if there's been no activity. Free utility to automatically lock the desktop in Windows. Auto Lock is a very useful tiny little free program/app that will enable …

  • ZoomIt 9.00
    ZoomIt Icon

    … and out of areas

  • AutoOff 4.25
    AutoOff Icon

    … shutdown timer: Set the desired time interval for automatic system shutdown

  • Huelix ScreenPlay Screen Recorder
    Huelix ScreenPlay Screen Recorder Icon

    … security features: Protect sensitive information during screen recordings

  • Calendar Magic 19.1
    Calendar Magic Icon

    … faiths * Date Detective command button * A multi-sheet Quick Notes facility for holding miscellaneous plain text items * Countdown timer” for counting down, second by second, any specified time period to zero * World Clocks to display simultaneously the …

  • Talking Desktop Clock
    Talking Desktop Clock Icon

    … Set alarms with custom sound and message

  • VAIO Camera Capture Utility
    VAIO Camera Capture Utility Icon

    … Burst mode: Captures a series of rapid shots in quick succession for capturing fast-moving subjects

  • Switch Off
    Switch Off Icon

    … * Windows UAC support * Multi-language support * One click scheduling * One click action execution * Snooze button * Countdown timer * Daily schedule * Weekly schedule * Exact date-time * CPU inactivity (idle) * At system start or log on * Shutdown / …

  • TimeLeft 3.64
    TimeLeft Icon

    … clock, countdown, reminder, stopwatch, timer, sticker. TimeLeft is a Winamp skinnable clock, tray clock, countdown, web countdown, reminder, alarm clock, stopwatch, timer, desktop sticker and time synchronization utility. With TimeLeft countdown you can …

  • AMP WinOFF 5.0.1
    AMP WinOFF Icon

    … of Windows shutdown (restart, hibernate...) using several conditions. AMP WinOFF is a useful little utility which shuts your PC down at a scheduled time. It uses virtually zero resources in terms of RAM and CPU and sits idle in the background, only …

    1. Free Alarm Clock Icon
      Free Alarm Clock Alarm creator

      Full-featured and free alarm clock for Windows.

      Features and highlights:
      • A free, full-featured and user-friendly alarm clock.
      • Play MP3 files as your alarm.
      • Wakes up PC while in sleep mode.
      • Turns up the volume automatically.
      • Run from a portable device.
    2. Talking Alarm Clock Icon
      Talking Alarm Clock Alarm clock

      An alarm clock powered by Microsoft Agent can also play audio files.

      Features and highlights:
      • Uses Microsoft Agent to show a talking animated alarm.
      • Play any sound you choose and includes a handy snooze button.
      • Alarm can be set to go off once, daily, weekly, monthly or annually.
      • Configure an alarm to open files, run programs, send email and open web pages.
      • Sits in system tray gives quick access to the alarm clock.
    3. Atomic Alarm Clock Icon
      Atomic Alarm Clock Alarm clock

      Set your alarm clock and replace your standard tray clock using different skins.

    4. TimeLeft Icon
      TimeLeft Alarm clock

      Skinnable clock, tray clock, countdown, reminder, stopwatch, timer, sticker.

    5. Round Clock Icon
      Round Clock Digital clock

      An atomic alarm clock widget for Windows.

    6. Desktop Reminder Icon
      Desktop Reminder Desktop reminder

      Software that is a task planner, event reminder and personal organizer perfect for birthdays.

    7. Tea Timer Icon
      Tea Timer Tea timer

      Small and portable timer application.

    8. Eusing Clock Icon
      Eusing Clock Desktop clock

      Eusing Clock is a beautiful looking and fully customizable world alarm clock.

    9. Timer Resolution Icon
      Timer Resolution Precise timing tool

      Utility to change the way Windows counts time, down to the millisecond.

    10. Egg Icon
      Egg Countdown timer

      A countdown timer for Windows.

    11. Efficient Reminder Free Portable Icon
      Efficient Reminder Free Portable Event reminder

      Elegant and handy appointment, meeting, holiday and event reminder.

    12. Talking Desktop Clock Icon
      Talking Desktop Clock Desktop clock

      Adds new features to your Windows system tray clock.