Document finder

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  • DocFetcher 1.1.25
    DocFetcher Icon

    Search the contents of documents on your computer

    … - You can think of it as Google for your local document repository. The program provides a preview panel with search term highlighting. The results can be sorted and filtered. The following document formats are supported: MS Office,, PDF, … Read more

    detects pairs of HTML files (e.g. a file named "foo.html" and a folder named "foo_files"), and treats the pair as a single document. This feature may seem rather useless at first, but it turned out that this dramatically increases the quality of the search More about DocFetcher
  • Screenshots of DocFetcher (4)

    1. Extreme Picture Finder Icon
      Extreme Picture Finder Digital imagery

      Easily locate and download digital images, MP3/WMV music and AVI/WMV/MPG movies!

      Features and highlights:
      • Automation: Schedule downloads, set up automatic search for new content.
      • Image Search: Find pictures on any topic from the web.
      • Image Download: Bulk download images from any website.
      • Image Preview: View images before downloading.
      • Thumbnails: Download thumbnails of entire galleries.
    2. Exact Duplicate Finder Icon
      Exact Duplicate Finder Duplicate finder

      Utility for finding duplicate files on connected drives which filters files by type with the option of deleting duplicate files found.

      Features and highlights:
      • Searching: Quickly and accurately scan your system for exact duplicates.
      • Comparison: Compare files byte-by-byte to ensure 100% accuracy.
      • Detection: Detects and marks true duplicates even if their names, dates and sizes differ.
      • Management: Manage duplicate files in a variety of ways.
      • Automation: Schedule automatic scans to keep your system duplicate-free.
    3. RegexBuddy Icon
      RegexBuddy Expression testing

      Learn, create, understand, test, debug, use and save regular expressions.

      Features and highlights:
      • Pattern library: Find, create, modify and test regular expressions.
      • Integrated debugger: Test and debug regular expressions step-by-step.
      • Regex analysis: Understand and optimize regular expressions.
      • Library of examples: Learn and use regular expressions.
      • Replacement wizard: Quickly create replacements with backreferences.
    4. Duplicate Finder Icon
      Duplicate Finder Duplicate finder

      Search for and remove duplicate files that may be cluttering a PC, freeing up used disk space.

    5. Agent Ransack Icon
      Agent Ransack File finder

      Search tool with high speed searching and regex support featuring both standard and advanced options for novice and intermediate users.

    6. Auslogics Duplicate File Finder Icon
      Auslogics Duplicate File Finder Duplicate finder

      Find and remove duplicate files with Auslogics Duplicate File Finder.

    7. Everything Icon
      Everything File finder

      Locates files and folders instantly within Windows.

    8. Copernic Desktop Search Icon
      Copernic Desktop Search Desktop engine search

      A fast desktop search application focusing on files, email, documents, browsing history and multimedia metadata.

    9. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Icon
      Adobe Acrobat Reader DC PDF viewer

      A free Adobe download for its PDF reader with several PDF functions, mainly to read, print, export, merge, comment, fill and sign documents.

    10. grepWin Icon
      grepWin Regular expression search

      Search and replace tool for Windows supporting regular expressions that can search through files, folders and sub-directories.

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