Git for Windows install

(18 program downloads found)
  • Git for Windows 2.48.1
    Git for Windows Icon

    … development tool for tracking projects, updating code and command line functions through Git Bash shell. Brings the rich feature set of tools of Git to Windows users. Git for Windows focuses on offering a lightweight, native …

    tools. The power of Git, now at just a couple of clicks away Taking all of the above into consideration, Git for Windows is a must-have tool for developers, especially novice ones, that want an accessible way to work with Git SCM directly from their More about Git for Windows
  • GitHub Desktop 3.4.17
    GitHub Desktop Icon

    … it comes with support for all of the standard tools that we're used to on the web service. GitHub Desktop is a Windows interface to Git which allows you to focus on what matters instead of fighting with Git. Whether you're new to Git or a seasoned user, …

    to Git Hub Desktop for Windows, it automatically matches them up with any organizations you belong to. Want to pull down a repository from Check out the button on the website. Powerfully simple branching "Branching is one of Git's best More about GitHub Desktop
  • MultiBootUSB 9.2.0
    MultiBootUSB Icon

    … to help customize installations. For example, you can customize the boot menu to include options such as a try without installing option or a reboot option. It's an excellent software tool for those who want to install multiple operating systems on a single …

    software, namely Syslinux for the MBR installation and 7-Zip for the ISO extraction (this is the part that takes the longest), but these are included in the download package, therefore you’re not required to install them prior to running the More about MultiBootUSB
  • Cmder 1.3.25
    Cmder Icon

    … and shell for Windows which extends bash features, console tools and remote system access. Extended command line input for Windows similar to bash on Linux. Cmder is an ergonomic and intuitive console emulator intended to enhance your Windows Command …

  • Android Studio 2024.2.2.15
    Android Studio Icon

    … both. The SDK Manager is a useful tool that adds support for previous and upcoming versions of Android for development. For example, you can enter the SDK settings and download the SDK Platform for older versions of Android like Lollipop, KitKat, Jelly …

  • Eclipse SDK 4.34
    Eclipse SDK Icon

    … sum it up So, if you're a Java developer looking for an all-in-one IDE with all the right ingredients for developing truly great programs, the Eclipse SDK is your go-to tool. The Eclipse IDE is famous for its Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE), …

  • Cygwin 3.5.7
    Cygwin Icon

    … and Linux systems in Windows. The idea of its creators was to create a compilation environment for Unix applications on Windows. What has come down to us is a working Unix tool that can run applications made for this operating system directly on Windows. …

  • Visual Studio Code 1.98.0
    Visual Studio Code Icon

    … for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages and runtimes (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, .NET). The main purpose for …

  • Atom Editor 1.63.1
    Atom Editor Icon

    … created for customizing the program for specific projects. For example, it has a tool for running a benchmark and debugging; You can opt to use packages, depending on the project which are essentially plugins that add to the functionality of the program like …

  • NetBeans IDE 21.0
    NetBeans IDE Icon

    … environment for developers to create and develop applications for a range of operating systems using primarily Java, JavaScript, PHP and HTML5. Integrated Development Environment for software developers. NetBeans IDE (or Integrated …

  • Dev-C++ Portable 6.30
    Dev-C++ Portable Icon

    … Completion: Autocomplete and auto-correction for C/C++ code

  • FlashDevelop
    FlashDevelop Icon

    … fact that FlashDevelop is really for more seasoned coders, its interface and slew of tools and options make it a pretty good environment for creating, testing and finalizing code. FlashDevelop is a program designed for Flash developers in order to help …

  • AlephNote 1.7.16
    AlephNote Icon

    … * Clickable + highlighted links * Backup all notes to local git repo (for backup / history) * Drop files/text directly into app to create notes * Sort notes into folders * Simulate folders for notes with remote provider that do not support folders (path is …

  • Visual Studio 2019 16.11.34
    Visual Studio 2019 Icon

    … web development support tools for the ASP.NET framework and Node.js. As for the environment itself, it includes all kinds of code detection, indenting and auto-completion tools, as well as debugging options. Includes tools for mobile app developers …

  • Visual Studio 2013 Express Edition
    Visual Studio 2013 Icon

    … Basic and C++ applications in Windows. Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop enables the creation of desktop apps in C#, Visual Basic, and C++, and supports Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms, and Win32. Sign in to Visual …