… can search through files, folders and sub-directories. Search and replace tool for Windows supporting regular expressions. grepWin is a simple search and replace tool which can use regular expressions to do its job. This allows to do much more powerful …
strings of text and replace them in multiple documents simultaneously, thanks to this lightweight and effective application grepWin is a useful program that allows you to search and replace text in multiple files at the same time. It comes in handy when you More about grepWin
Learn, create, understand, test, debug, use and save regular expressions.
A text-based search and replace program supporting regular expressions.
Brings a version of 'grep' to Windows boasting the ability to recursively search through files and directories for plaintext strings or utilizing regular expressions (regex)
A free app which helps you find free open public proxy servers.
Search tool with high speed searching and regex support featuring both standard and advanced options for novice and intermediate users.
Powerful search and replace tool with regular expressions.
Finds empty directories on a filesystem and offers to delete them.
Minimalistic text editing with advanced search and replace feature powered by regex with many powerful filters and query modes.