… the source of the page), it will remove the formatting. PureText is basically equivalent to opening Notepad, doing a PASTE, followed by a SELECT-ALL, and then a COPY. The benefit of PureText is performing all these actions with a single Hot-Key and having … Read more
PureText tray icon and then paste the clipboard content in any third-party utility. The pasted text is automatically converted to plain text. One of the best features included in this program enables you to assign a hotkey to be used to activate PureText More about PureText
Source code editing with version control and syntax for many languages.
Hotkey-powered tool which can change the visibility and transparency of windows for a cleaner-looking desktop with less clutter.
Free utility which performs low-level hard drive formatting with support for IDE, SCSI, SATA or external media, without any size limitations.
A VPN client which connects to corporate networks by Dell.
Feature-packed code editing suite and integrated development environment with built-in support for the most popular programming languages full with syntax highlighting and a high degree of customization.