Rename master to main gitlab

(2 program downloads found)
  • Rename Master 3.13
    Rename Master Icon

    … fell swoop. Rename Master is really capable of dealing with a large number of files at a time. If you have an MP3 collection or thousands of digital photos, renaming them takes little effort. In terms of photos and mp3 files, Rename Master can take the data …

    large groups of files with custom rules and options, change the case of words and set wildcards or insert counters in the name Rename Master is a freeware utility designed to rename multiple files with a just few clicks. Anyone that has worked with More about Rename Master
  • Git for Windows 2.48.1
    Git for Windows Icon

    … Version control: Git allows you to track changes to your code over time, so you can see who made changes, when they were made, and what was changed. This makes it easier to understand how the code has evolved and to revert to previous versions if needed

    and direct way to run Git-specific functions without having to use the native command line (Git Bash). Easy to install and easy to get to grips with The utility undergoes a surprise-free and swift installation process, subsequent to which you can access More about Git for Windows
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