Smartphone flash tool

(31 program downloads found)
  • LG Flash Tool
    LG Flash Tool Icon

    … for LG Android devices for installing KDZ and TOT ROMs files over USB. A LG mobile phone ROM flashing tool from XDA Developers. You may use LG Flash Tool to install the official firmware with .KDZ or .TOT extension to restore your device to stock. In case …

    you to flash large KDZ ROM tools on your smartphone and it is optimized for LG phone models If you own an LG handset and are exploring your options when it comes to flashing ROM files, turning to a piece of software such as LG Flash Tool could bring about More about LG Flash Tool
  • Smart Phone Flash Tool 5.1824
    Smart Phone Flash Tool Icon

    … Smart Phone Flash Tool offers several tool which allow you to test your device's RAM chip and NAND flash. In conclusion: Smart Phone Flash Tool allows for easy flashing of your device but does not provide any tools for repairing phones that have already …

    in flashing their handheld device and installing custom ROMs on it Smart Phone Flash Tool (also known as SP flash tool ) is a lightweight but reliable mobile phone tool for Windows OS that allows advanced users to streamline the way they are flashing More about Smart Phone Flash Tool
  • XperiFirm Tool 5.6.5
    XperiFirm Tool Icon

    … there isn't very much risk of bricking your phone if you use the official Sony Phone Flasher tool that's available. All in all, XperiFirm is a useful tool which can be compared to other tools that have existed in the past and present like NaviFirm. For …

    brand then this is the best application for you. It is a tool that runs on a dual panel and it comes with the touch of the fact that you are able to handle all manner of versions. It is a tool that will update the firmware of Xperia series. It is working More about XperiFirm Tool
  • Dell OS Recovery Tool
    Dell OS Recovery Tool Icon

    … and installing it to a USB stick. The SupportAssist tool is easy but the a Service ID number is required. After the recovery image has been created, you can use the tool's "Restore System" tool to proceed with recovery. Once completed, the system will be as …

  • Sony Mobile Flasher
    Sony Mobile Flasher Icon

    … to flash sin files downloaded by SEUS or PCC. From time to time, sin files have been bundled into what is now well known FTF (Flash Tool Firmwares). That is the core of Flashtool and the reason of its name. Sony Mobile Flasher can also easily unlock the …

  • RSD Lite 6.2.4
    RSD Lite Icon

    … with Motorola phones. RSD Lite is a Motorola tool which can be used to install software on Motorola Android phones and tablets. The application can be used for a number of reasons and can be a very useful tool for installing root (or rooting) a phone, but …

  • Universal Android Rooter 1.4
    Universal Android Rooter Icon

    … which provides access to advanced features involving the entire filesystem on a device with a wizard-based step-by-step tool. A wizard-based app which can help you root an Android phone. Since Android is built on Linux, it should (almost) always be …

  • SamFirm
    SamFirm Icon

    … downloads for the model you're looking to flash. All that's required is inputting some specific details about the device. You'll be required to have the .NET Framework 3.5 installed in order to use this tool. All in all, SamiFirm was an excellent way to …

  • Android MultiTool 4.0
    Android MultiTool Icon

    … for compiling and extracting APK files. Android Multitool is a small and flexible tool for compiling and decompiling APR and JAR files that have been compiled for the Android mobile operating system. The utility includes a simple user interface divided …

  • Record Smart 1.0
    Record Smart Icon

    … easy to record streaming audio from the Internet, or music played by Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quick Time, Real Player, Flash, games, etc, with good quality. It supports WAV output format only in version 1.x, but you can trim the silence at the ends …

  • Odin3 3.14.4
    Odin3 Icon

    … is a free PC application which can flash and root Android-based phones. With Odin3, you can flash your Samsung cell phone and overwrite the system files. You can install any version of the Android OS on your smartphone before your phone manufacturer has …

  • Nexus Root Toolkit 2.1.9
    Nexus Root Toolkit Icon

    … the program to install a custom recovery, root your device, flash custom ROMs, and flash a custom kernel. This program contains all the files you need to unlock and root your device, or flash it back to stock and re-lock it. You can also use this program to …

  • z3x shell 4.8.3
    z3x shell Icon

    … management of flashing and unlocking Samsung devices. z3x shell is a specialized tool for Windows that can provide developer-level access to several brands of smartphone including Samsung and LG. Before getting started with this software, it is important …

  • PixelFlasher
    PixelFlasher Icon

    … flash your Google Pixel and maybe other phones with this tool. PixelFlasher is an application to flash Pixel phones and maybe other Android devices developed and released under the Google brand name. At its core, PixelFlasher is a UI layer on …

  • Windows Phone Internals 2.8
    Windows Phone Internals Icon

    … unlocking the bootloader, you can enable Root Access on the phone or create and flash Custom ROM's. I created a short introduction video to show the features of the tool. * Unlocked Bootloader: Gain root access on select Lumia devices