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LDAP Search 6.0
Directory Search Tool: Search and query LDAP directories for information about users, groups and resources.
NetToolset 1.5.0
Port Scanner: Package of basic networking tools like ping, tracert, etc.
NetEagle 5.50
Speed Increaser: Internet connection optimizing software.
WAN IP Viewer 1.0
IP Viewer: Displays the public IP address of a network, allowing users to easily track.
LanTool 0.2.2 Revision 1
Network Manager: Powerful network toolkit for IT professionals and system administrators.
Network Search Engine 2.0.3
Network Search: Search and locate files and information across network.
XP TCP/IP Repair 2.2
TCP/IP Repair: Utility for diagnosing and fixing issues with TCP/IP settings in Windows, ensuring smooth network connectivity.
Free IP Tools 4.2
Network Scanner: Collection of and smart network tools packed into a single app.
MagiWOL 3.30
LAN Connection: Small tool which wakes computer over a local area network.
NADetector 1.5.8
Network Monitoring: Monitors and analyzes the network traffic and displays statistical information.
CPU Information: A freeware network system information application.