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SpeedGuide TCP Optimizer 4.1.1
Internet speed optimizer
Optimizes the TCP/IP settings for better network performance.
Ping Alert 5.6
Network monitor tool
Software tool that alerts you when a network device is unreachable.
SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager 3.2.11
Bandwidth limiter
Traffic managment solution offers cost- bandwidth control.
NetScanTools Basic 2.54
Network scanning
Performs a variety of network diagnostic tests, including IP address scanning, ping sweeps.
ManageEngine Applications Manager 14.0
App performance monitor
Monitor and optimize the performance of apps and servers to ensure smooth operations.
NetStat Agent 3.6
Network monitor
Provides real-time monitoring and analysis of network traffic, connections and ports.
Winsent Messenger 3.2.9
LAN messenger
Communicate with other users on local network.
ProxyInspector 3.9.2647
Proxy monitor
Monitor and analyze Internet usage and activity on network.
Wake On LAN 2.12.4
Remote wake-up tool
Enables a computer to be powered on remotely with a network connection.
Dyn Updater 5.5.0
DNS update tool
Keep domain's IP address up-to-date and accessible to the world.
HTTP Analyzer
HTTP server testing
HTTP testing tool and protocol analyzer which scans traffic and provides details about HTTP headers.
Axence NetTools
Network analyzer
Suite of network diagnostic tools for monitoring, troubleshooting.
Port Listener 1.03
Port monitoring tool
Monitors network ports and logs incoming and outgoing data for analysis and troubleshooting.
Spiceworks 7.5.00107
IT management utility
Manage IT network and assets.
No IP DUC 4.1.1
Dynamic DNS updater
Network tool that automatically updates IP address with a DNS provider, ensuring remote access to devices.