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WhatPulse 5.9
Input tracking
Monitors and records keystrokes, clicks and network usage on a computer.
LTspice 24.1.4
Simulation software for circuits
Simulates and analyzes electronic circuits to aid in the design and testing of electronic devices.
WordWeb 10.55
English language reference
Dictionary and thesaurus tool that provides users with quick access to word meanings.
Anvil Studio 2024.08.01
Music creation
Software with tools for creating, editing and composing music, including MIDI and audio sequencing with sequencing and notation.
Typing Master 11.0.882
Typing tutor
Improve typing speed and accuracy with personalized lessons and tests.
Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard 0.9.1
MIDI piano synthesizer
Turns a computer keyboard into a virtual piano, allowing users to play.
MuseScore 4.4.4
Music notation
Create, edit and play back sheet music and musical scores, with a variety of notation and playback features.
RealGuitar 6.1
Guitar music
Virtual guitar instrument that accurately emulates the sound.
MidiNotate Player 5.1.0
Music notation
View, play and print sheet music in MIDI format with customizable features.
Notation Composer 5.1.0
Music arranging
Create and edit sheet music with advanced notation tools and the ability to export to various formats.
TheSage 7.62.2816
Thesaurus dictionary
Software tool that provides users with a thesaurus.
AntConc 4.3.1
Corpus analysis
Concordance software used for text analysis and linguistic research.
BOINC 8.0.4
Distributed computing
Harnesses the power of idle computers to solve complex scientific problems.
Tlex reader
View the content of proprietery language database files like TLex.
DeepL 24.2.2
Powerful translation
Automatically translate text, conversations and documents for fast, accurate translations.