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Simple System Tweaker Portable 2.2.0
System Tweaker: Simplifies the process of tweaking and optimizing various system settings on Windows for improved performance.
BootSkin 1.05
Changes the appearance of the screen during the boot-up process of a computer.
SkinStudio 7.4
Skin Editor: Software used to create and customize the appearance of graphical user interfaces for different apps.
Rapid Environment Editor
Environment Editor: Software for managing environment variables and paths to improve system performance and facilitate software development.
Volumouse 2.15
Mouse Volume Control: Adjust volume levels with a personalized shortcut, saving you time.
Royale for Windows XP 1.0
The Windows Media Center edition skin.
TidyTabs 1.22.2
Group: Organize and manage open windows and apps.
Argente Utilities
System Tweaker: Optimizes and enhances the performance of a computer by cleaning, repairing and updating its system.
System Tweaker: Enables the customization and optimization of various system settings for improved performance and efficiency.
OblyTile 0.9.9
Tile Designer: Customize start menu with personalized icons and shortcuts for apps.
Mac OS X Infinite 1.0.0
Mac Taskbar: Utility which transforms a Windows desktop into something that looks more like a Mac.
YODM 3D 1.4
Virtual Desktop: Powerful 3D virtual desktop environment for easy multitasking.
Earth3D 1.0.5
Interactive and visually stunning tool for exploring the Earth's surface and weather patterns in real-time 3D.
PS3 Theme for Windows XP 1.0
A freeware theme by popular deviantart member.
nSpaces 1.3
Multiple Desktop: Expand desktop workspace and organize apps by creating multiple virtual desktops.