7+ Taskbar Tweaker download

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  • 7+ Taskbar Tweaker 5.15.2
    7+ Taskbar Tweaker Icon

    Allows users to tweak their taskbar with mouse button options

    … users to tweak their taskbar with mouse button options. 7 (Plus) Taskbar Tweaker is a small desktop enhancement utility which provides additional functionality to the Windows 7 and Windows 8 taskbar. With 7+ Taskbar Tweaker, you can change the behavior of … Read more

    to find details on all these Windows features. 7 Taskbar Tweaker works like a charm on most Windows 7 flavors, regardless if we’re talking about 32- or 64-bit versions. All in all, 7 Taskbar Tweaker is a great way to expand Windows functionality, More about 7+ Taskbar Tweaker
  • Screenshots of 7 Taskbar Tweaker (4)

    1. TaskbarX Icon
      TaskbarX Center taskbar

      Windows taskbar customization with colors, animation and more.

      Features and highlights:
      • Taskbar customization: Personalizes the appearance of the Windows taskbar.
      • Centered icons: Aligns taskbar icons to the center for a sleek look.
      • Style options: Offers transparent, blur and acrylic taskbar effects.
      • Animation effects: Provides smooth transitions when opening or closing apps.
      • Taskbar position control: Adjusts the placement of taskbar elements.
    2. Taskbar Eliminator Icon
      Taskbar Eliminator Taskbar eliminator

      Small utility which can automatically hide the Windows taskbar.

    3. X-Mouse Button Control Icon
      X-Mouse Button Control Button controller

      Modify and enhance the functioning of a mouse on Windows.

      Features and highlights:
      • Customization: Create custom profiles and button assignments.
      • Macro: Create macro commands and keystrokes.
      • Mouse Profiles: Switch profiles with keyboard shortcut.
      • Hotkeys: Assign key combinations to buttons.
      • Programmable: Program buttons to launch applications.
    4. TranslucentTB Icon
      TranslucentTB Taskbar customizer

      Makes the Windows taskbar translucent with several extra options.

    5. Tweak-7 Icon
      Tweak-7 Windows 7 optimizer

      A very comprehensive tweaking utility for Windows 7

    6. Dual Monitor Taskbar Icon
      Dual Monitor Taskbar System taskbar

      Windows utility that can extend the taskbar and the system tray to a second external monitor and move apps from the primary screen.

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