… CoffeeCup Animation Studio is a image animation program directed towards web site owners who wish to add some spice to their web design by adding animations to their designs. The program is pretty simple to use and allows people to create image animation … Read more
A user-friendly application that you can use to create animations More about CoffeeCup Animation Studio
2D animation software with tweening, fluid motion and gradients with bitmaps and vector graphics.
Animate Me! creates gif animations on the base of effects quickly and easy.
Powerful yet easy to use software for creating and editing animated GIF images.
This powerful, full-featured HTML editor comes with a built-in FTP client.
Basic but intuitive slideshow creation software that supports drag-and-drop and slideshow animations.
Design software that can create 3D entities and animations.
Source code editing with version control and syntax for many languages.
Create and stream high quality videos to online services like YouTube and create offline video capture projects with lovely transitions.
Stick figures are only the beginning!
A free and fast HTML editor which focuses on editing code with an interesting graphical user interface.
Create professional movies with many effects.
Development environment for Python, ASP.NET, web tech, JavaScript and JSON.
Tool for creating animated GIF images, banners, buttons, and even movies.
Create stick figure animations.