NVIDIA profile inspector settings

(2 program downloads found)
  • Nvidia Profile Inspector
    Nvidia Profile Inspector Icon

    … 1:1 by the NVIDIA driver. Should not something this work is also a limitation to 99% of the NVIDIA driver, which I can not change anything. * View and edit graphics and display settings: View and adjust various settings for your Nvidia graphics card like …

    and performance boosting options. Among the utilities that aim to take care of both aspects, Nvidia Profile Inspector is the tool of choice for may owners of nVidia graphics cards. The application runs right out of the box, without requiring installation, so More about Nvidia Profile Inspector
  • nvidiaProfileInspector
    nvidiaProfileInspector Icon

    … generation of graphics cards from NVIDIA (Fermi), the GPU voltage for 3D profile fit. This is only for these cards from NVIDIA provided in the driver. Additionally, it also allows the graphics card fan for many NVIDIA cards to control themselves manually. …

    detailed info about your nVidia graphics card using this comprehensive application that features overclocking options and other nifty settings Nvidia Profile Inspector is an advanced hardware monitoring application intended More about nvidiaProfileInspector
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