… you write and manage text documents in the Malayalam language. Typeit! is a Free Malayalam language editor, where you can type and edit documents in Malayalam. Typeit! supports six Malayalam Keyboards. They are Inscript (ISM), GIST, Malayalam … Read more
struggle to learn a new way to type punctuation just because you want to type phonetic symbols? Download and install TypeIt for PC today! You can also download a trial version of the app, which includes all the keyboards (including IPA for all languages), More about Typeit!
An adaptive touch typing tutor to learn personal and professional typing skills.
A free alternative to Mavis Beacon, but better and more modern.
Typing tutor will help to test and develop your typing skills.
Translate and create custom dictionaries with support for subtitle formats which relies on Google Translate.
Portable Rapid Typing Tutor represents the best in typing software.
A program to learn howto type professionally.
Easily switch between languages with this Google Chrome extension.